Monday, February 28, 2011

The Importance of Sleep ;-)

It's shameful that I started writing this post at 6:11am in the morning. It would be fine if I had just woken up, but alas I pulled yet another inadvertent all-nighter. I'm a night owl, I admit it! I stand and say my name as an admitted night owl / day sleeper! It's terrible, so today I decided it's my civic duty to remind myself and the world, as in the few followers I've accumulated ::lol:: that "SLEEP" is important. Here are a few facts from the National Sleep Foundation about the Importance of Sleep:

1. Sleep helps repair cellular damage which helps maintain a youthful appearance. 
2. Sleep helps keep your heart healthy by reducing inflammation
3. Reduces stress. 
4. Improves your memory.
5. Helps control body weight issues.
6. Sleep reduces your chances of diabetes 
7. Reduces the occurrence of mood disorders such as depression.
8. The experts recommend 7-9 hours of sleep a night.

Obviously, the benefits of sleep are endless. In a salute to good health, perhaps I'll start sleeping more at night, if not for just my vanity--- after all they don't call it beauty sleep for nothin. ;-)

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